雨中畅谈 (第1/4页)
窗外霏霏雨线忽大忽小,拍打在玻璃上,滴答滴答。 阴云天,黄叶地,波上寒烟翠。 车内,木若坐在副驾驶抱着布达给它顺毛。空气陷入沉静,只有雨声和狗狗糯糯的哼唧声。 还有两人淡淡的呼吸声。 邬川修长的手指点了下屏幕。 很长的前奏。 “on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair, Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air ……” 女孩跟着哼唱起来。 抑扬顿挫。 男人靠在座椅上静静阖眼听着,手指轻轻在大腿上敲着拍子,嘴角泛起一丝笑。 “I thought I heard them say, Wee to the hotel California, such ……” “……some dao remember some dao fet.” “so I called up the captain, Please bring me my wine.” 男人低沉清亮的嗓音,合着细腻的女声,一主一副,一低一高,相辅相成。 “he said , we haven&039;t had that spirit here since 1969, And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night……” 历史,罪恶。 你可以随时结账,但永远无法离开。 “美音不错”,木若笑着夸他。